Catit Smart Pixi Fountain: An Upgraded Solution for Cat’s Hydration


Cats have captivated us with their independent yet affectionate nature for centuries. As responsible pet owners, ensuring our feline friends’ well-being is of utmost importance. One crucial aspect of their health is proper hydration, as cats are notorious for not drinking enough water. Thankfully, modern technology has blessed us with innovative solutions to address this issue, and the Catit Smart Pixi Fountain stands out as an exceptional and intelligent approach to keeping our beloved pets hydrated and content.

The Importance of Hydration for Cats

Before diving into the marvels of the  Catit Smart Pixi Fountain, it’s essential to understand why hydration is critical for our furry companions. Cats are descended from desert-dwelling ancestors who obtained most of their water from the prey they consumed. Consequently, domesticated cats have retained this tendency to get their moisture from food, often neglecting to drink from a stagnant water bowl.

Dehydration in cats can lead to various health problems, including urinary tract issues, kidney problems, and even a reduced lifespan. This is where the Catit Smart Pixi Fountain comes to the rescue, ensuring that our feline friends drink enough water to maintain optimal health.

What is the Smart Pix Cat Fountain?

The Catit Smart Pixi Fountain is a cutting-edge device designed to encourage cats to drink more water through its innovative and appealing features. Unlike traditional water bowls, the Catit Smart Pixi Fountain offers a dynamic and flowing water source that stimulates a cat’s natural instincts to drink from running water. Let’s take a closer look at its remarkable features:

1. Running Water: The continuous flow of water in the Catit Smart Pixi Fountain mimics the sound and movement of a natural water source, such as a flowing stream. Cats find this running water enticing and are more likely to approach it for a refreshing drink.

2. Intelligent Motion Sensor: Equipped with a smart motion sensor, the fountain activates whenever a cat comes near, creating an interactive and playful experience for them. The sensor also conserves energy by turning off the fountain when not in use.

3. Whisper-quiet Operation: The Catit Smart Pixi Fountain operates with minimal noise, ensuring it won’t startle or disturb your feline companion, even the most skittish ones.

4. Multiple Water Flow Settings: The fountain offers adjustable water flow settings, allowing you to cater to your cat’s preferences. Whether they prefer a gentle trickle or a more robust stream, the Catit Smart Pixi Fountain can accommodate their needs.

5. Easy to Clean and Maintain: The fountain is designed for easy disassembly and cleaning, ensuring a hassle-free maintenance routine. Regular cleaning is vital to prevent bacteria growth and keep the water fresh for your furry friend.

6. Remote control through mobile application: With the mobile app, you can control the Catit PIXI Smart Drinking Fountain remotely. Switch between modes, set a timer, or start the UV-C water clarification process with a swipe of your finger. It also automatically detects status changes, such as when it’s about time to refill, or when the filter needs replacing. Simply enable notifications in the app, and get notified directly on your smartphone.

Benefits of the Catit Smart Pixi Fountain 

Investing in a Smart Pix Cat Fountain can offer numerous benefits for both you and your beloved feline companion:

1. Improved Hydration: With the enticing flow of water, your cat is likely to drink more frequently, promoting better hydration and overall health.

2. Encourages Playfulness: The interactive motion sensor adds an element of playfulness, enticing your cat to approach the fountain, which can reduce boredom and stress.

3. Peace of Mind: Knowing that your cat has access to fresh and flowing water even when you’re not around provides peace of mind for pet owners who have busy schedules.

4. Aesthetically Pleasing: The sleek and modern design of the Smart Pix Cat Fountain blends seamlessly into any home décor, making it a visually appealing addition to your living space.


In conclusion, the Catit Smart Pixi Fountain is a game-changer in the world of pet care. By addressing the issue of inadequate hydration, this innovative fountain ensures that your feline friend stays healthy, happy, and content. With its running water, intelligent motion sensor, adjustable settings, and easy maintenance, it’s a modern solution that enhances your cat’s well-being while adding a touch of elegance to your home.

If you want to provide the best for your beloved feline companion, the Catit Smart Pixi Fountain is undoubtedly a worthy investment. Embrace this technology, and watch your cat thrive with each refreshing sip of water from their very own interactive and intelligent fountain.